Natural Home Remedies PLR Affiliate Resources Page

Launch Date : 22nd September 2022

Earn Up to 50% In Commission Income By Promoting This Evergreen Collection Of MASSIVE Internet Marketing Videos, Helping People Build A Solid Online Business & Take Part In Our $700.00 Contest!

What Is Natural Home Remedies PLR

Natural Home Remedies PLR is a collection of knowledge, a pool of premium content, and a product in its own right. 

It is a collection of high quality natural home remedies content that shows how to sustain a health life using common home remedies which you can easily find in your home. 

It covers popular and highly in demand niches such as:

  • Body Odor
  • Headaches
  • Insomnia
  • Remedies Guide Book
  • Acid Reflux
  • Dandruff
  • Halitosis
  • Stress
  • Yeast Free Diet
  • Allergies
  • so much more…

A 2 Part High Converting Evergreen FUNNEL That Will Bank You Commission For Years To Come!


Natural Home Remedies PLR
Price : $9.90 to $19.90
Commission : 50%

OTO1 (Upsell)

DIY Natural Home Remedies PLR
Price : $27.00
Commission : 50%

$700.00 Extra Cash Incentive Up For Grabs!

Terms and Conditions Natural Home Remedies PLR Affiliate Contest

Winners will be determined by total sales minus any refunds.

Contest runs from 25th September 2022 until 10th October 2022

Sales made after 10th October will not be counted as part of this contest

Final sales will be confirmed after 10th November 2022 (30 days after contest ends)

Any affiliate who purchases on their own will not be counted towards sales numbers

Spamming tactics and black hat methods will result in automatic disqualification

Only 1 Winner for each category

1st Prize: 350 sales = $400.00 incentive

2nd Prize: 250 sales = $250.00 incentive

3rd Prize: 50 sales = $50.00 incentive

Contest runs from 25th September 2022 until 10th October 2022

Prem Kumar -

Please join my JV list to stay in the loop about my next exciting launches. Just enter your email below. When you click submit, it will keep you on this page. Thanks!

This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook INC. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in ANY WAY. Facebook is a trademark of Facebook INC. You understand this to be an expression of opinions and not professional advice. It is strongly recommended that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything.

Disclaimer: This is NOT a get rich quick program. These are lessons which is extremely valuable to you IF you decide to put in the hard work and take action. It is a known fact that no sustainable result is obtained without hard work. If you are looking for a magic pill then this is NOT for you. This product is intended to provide knowledge, skills and tools which will help you reach your end goal faster. We do not make any guarantees about your own results because that depends on your own personal commitment, dedication and the decisions you make. Please ensure that you watch the video and read the content on this page and that you are willing to take action and put in the work required before you decide to make a purchase. 

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